A downloadable game
We made this game in 2 months alongside college work as an entry for the Games Fleadh, the Irish national game making competition, for the prompt 'Small Worlds'. It was so much fun to make and won 'Best Game Made Using Libraries' and 'Best Game Mechanic'. Hope you enjoy!
Ian Perez Bunuel - Programmer
Riona Kelly - Artist and Sound
Callum Nolan - Music
WASD - Movement
Right click (mouse) - Grab closest object
Left click (mouse) - Throw grabbed object at mouse position
Left stick - Movement
Right stick - Move aiming reticle
Right bumper - Grab closest object
Right trigger - Throw grabbed object at reticle position
----HOW TO PLAY----
When you want to attack the planet you put the mouse cursor / aiming reticle over the planet and press the shoot button.
Once you've done enough damage to the planet it will be destroyed and absorbed.
While you are doing this The planet will be attacking you so you better stay on the move!
In Starburst you will play as a 2D starship called Neon, who wants to harvest 3D planets so that they can transition to the 3D world.
You will do this by grabbing the asteroids around you with your arms and throwing them at the planet at high speeds to destroy it.
Watch out though, as these asteroids will hurt you too if they hit you.
////// ESPANOL //////
Teclado y Raton:
WASD - Movimiento
Clic derecho (raton) - Coger el objeto más cercano
Clic izquierdo (raton) - Lanzar el objeto al raton
Mando (XBOX):
Joystick izquierdo: movimiento
Joystick derecho: mover la retícula de puntería
Botón superior derecho (RB): agarrar el objeto más cercano
Gatillo derecho (RT): lanzar el objeto agarrado a la posición de la retícula
----CÓMO JUGAR----
Cuando quieres atacar el planeta, pon el raton / retículo sobre el planeta y aprieta el botón de lanzar objetos.
Una vez que hayas hecho bastante daño al planeta, lo destruyes y lo absorbes.
Mientras haces esto, el planeta te atacará pues tienes que estar moviendote.
El objetivo del juego es destruir planetas para convertirte en 3D absorbiendo sus núcleos.
Install instructions
Once you download the zip all you need to do is unzip it and launch the exe.
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The commands are a bit complicated to grasp, but once you get it, it's really cool, and I love the style, great job! :D